Valid passports are required by all foreign nationals to enter Namibia. Citizens of the following countries do not require visas to enter Namibia: United Kingdom; Germany; Switzerland; Russia; Liechtenstein; Luxembourg; Ireland; Portugal; Spain; Italy; Austria; France; Sweden; Norway; Finland; Denmark; Netherlands; Belgium; USA; Canada; Cuba; Japan; Singapore; Malaysia; Brazil; Kenya; South Africa; Zimbabwe; Tanzania; Angola; Zambia; Mozambique; Botswana; Australia and New Zealand. Visitors must be able to prove that they have sufficient funds to cover their stay in the country. Air arrivals must have a valid return air-ticket.
Citizens of all countries not mentioned above require visas that must be purchased prior to arrival. It is best to check what the latest situation is with regard to visas before visiting Namibia. Extended visa periods are obtainable from the Ministry of Home Affairs in Windhoek and at border posts.
Paspoort en Visum Voor Tanzania is een visum verplicht. Het paspoort dient bij aankomst nog 6 maanden geldig te zijn.
Laatst aangepast (dinsdag, 11 augustus 2009 18:59)
Foto/Reis Boeken Spirits of Africa